I’ve been writing this blog for about a year and a half now, and it’s grown and evolved and changed and is due for another shift in the next few months. I’ve had a few writing opportunities come from the blog, a few new networks and a lot of personal growth. It’s been a vehicle through which I was forced to take a stand back and look at my life when everything fell a part… it encouraged me to not get caught up in a web of emotional turmoil and instead be completely honest with myself and with the people around me. This blog has been a vehicle of change and with every word I publish on these virtual pages I have grown and changed and evolved into the person I am today. The good and the bad. The stable and the wayward… I receive emails every now and then from people who have come across this little space in the wide world of the web. People who pour their heart and soul to me, people who tell me their stories, people who divulge their deepest fears and their most private of pains. I’ve been so privileged to share conversations over email with people from all around the world, people just like me, people just trying to figure it out, people just searching for a safe place to talk. I always feel so honoured and totally unprepared for these emails whenever they show up in my inbox. Friendships have been made with women (and men) all around the world just through a series of emails, through an exchange of words and pain and joy. Through the sharing of our lives.
When I came to Toronto I put a call out on social media to see if there were any people here reading my blog who would like to catch up for a coffee or lunch or a chat or whatever. I was very humbled when some emails came in. I haven’t been able to make all of them work due to time and distance and space and commitments and all that. But the day I met a reader and her gorgeous daughter, and made two new friends has been undoubtedly one of the highlights of this trip so far. Watching our girls play, chatting like old friends, I stood back and was amazed at the way we make connections now. If I had never started this blog, I don’t know how things would be different now, all I know is that they would be. I may not have processed the changes in my life quite as well, I may not have had the strength to do some of the things I have done… and I certainly wouldn’t have these two beautiful people to call my friends.
Friends who picked us up and took us to a beautiful part of the city, complete with home made tomato soup and organic snacks, hot tea and hugs, dancing and laughter… If you are in Toronto any time in the future I suggest you head to Brick Works, it’s a pretty amazing place, with gorgeous old architecture, lots of greenery and a desire to become a sustainable food source… it’s definitely worth a visit.
The world really does work in mysterious ways, doesn’t it? I don’t know much about the world… but I do know, that there are friends everywhere, if you’re just willing to open your arms to greet them.
snappystreet - Oh this is so touching and heartfelt! I am glad to hear that your blog has brought you together with such special people. This little community we’re all in is so amazing, I am thankful for it everyday! x
Alicia - Sash! You are amazing and so so giving! I get so much strength from your words. Thank you.
Michelle - It’s amazing how the world opens up to us via the web. Sounds like you had a fantastic day with your new found friends. Living in a small town with family hours away, means I turn to the net and social media for support and camaraderie. I’ve even met a few of my ‘online’ friends in person and it’s nice to feel like you’ve known these people for years.
Evan - Oh we had so much fun with you both! Truly a pleasure. My emails to you are being returned. Maybe check it out.
Sash - Hey Ev, my mom let me know this morning that her emails were getting returned too. My mailbox was full and I’ve cleaned it out but I’m still not getting any mail. Haven’t got any for about five days now, I was wondering what was going on! I’m hoping I’ve fixed it, but I’m not sure… Want to try again? xx S
Elena - Sash
Just a few ideas which you might have already tried…deleted emails usually go in a folder called ‘deleted items’ or ‘bin’ depending on what service you use…make sure you empty that too.
Also, check sent items as well…
Sash - Thanks Elena, I’m still trying!! I’ll do both of those things now (unfortunately my inbox is terribly unorganised so it’s taking a bit of time to sort through)… It’s a bizarre feeling knowing you’re not receiving any mail!
Sash - it’s fiiixed!! 🙂 Thank goodness for my techie brother…
Elena - :))) Yey!